Metal Chuck Noel: Guns of the Petrobides
Par : raiden_returns
Genre : Fantastique
Status : C'est compliqué
Note :
Chapitre 7
Publié le 28/05/09 à 18:50:24 par raiden_returns
ACT6 : Noel meeting Chuck
hey chuck its me
chuck its me
sorry to keep you biding
i'm here to own you from here on out
where are you now?
faking out of topics way
is that a bide?
yup. and this bide is equiped with a cell ownage
noel we're owned
any bides?
can you fake me a topic?
not at the moment.....norris you'd better get moving
you're too autiste s'too
you owning?
of course. i'll be biding behind you all the way
uuh chuck....
what now?
didnt you bide?
nah, just found a topic
even in the middel of the forum...
hey chuck its me
chuck its me
sorry to keep you biding
i'm here to own you from here on out
where are you now?
faking out of topics way
is that a bide?
yup. and this bide is equiped with a cell ownage
noel we're owned
any bides?
can you fake me a topic?
not at the moment.....norris you'd better get moving
you're too autiste s'too
you owning?
of course. i'll be biding behind you all the way
uuh chuck....
what now?
didnt you bide?
nah, just found a topic
even in the middel of the forum...

28/05/09 à 20:14:17
OLALA je suis owned
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