Metal Chuck Noel: Guns of the Petrobides
Par : raiden_returns
Genre : Fantastique
Status : C'est compliqué
Note :
Chapitre 4
Publié le 25/05/09 à 21:06:01 par raiden_returns
ACT3 : Happy Sun 
since noelistes incident, restrictions on bide intervention in foreign topics have eased
biding the demand for hapistes
today the forum depend largely on kikoos
private biding companies whose business includes supplying the gays
kikoos have become a serious threat to the forum
the admins have reported too much of their ban power
now their paying the price
based on our fakes
the five largest kikoo companies are actually owned by a gay company which act for a single hapiste company
and the mother company ?
in total they got enough bides to rival the noelistes
the kikoos are taken control of an immense fake and are now preparing to launch a bidique ownage
the only forum where noelistes would always have a bide...
the h*p means to fan the bide of ownage even highter
to create the perfect topic once envisioned by the

since noelistes incident, restrictions on bide intervention in foreign topics have eased
biding the demand for hapistes
today the forum depend largely on kikoos
private biding companies whose business includes supplying the gays
kikoos have become a serious threat to the forum
the admins have reported too much of their ban power
now their paying the price
based on our fakes
the five largest kikoo companies are actually owned by a gay company which act for a single hapiste company
and the mother company ?
in total they got enough bides to rival the noelistes
the kikoos are taken control of an immense fake and are now preparing to launch a bidique ownage
the only forum where noelistes would always have a bide...
the h*p means to fan the bide of ownage even highter
to create the perfect topic once envisioned by the

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