Metal Chuck Noel: Guns of the Petrobides
Par : raiden_returns
Genre : Fantastique
Status : C'est compliqué
Note :
Chapitre 6
Publié le 25/05/09 à 21:08:31 par raiden_returns
ACT5 : Kikoo Sun
hapistes goal is to own control of the forum
to do that they need to fake the bide ownage and find out how the noelistes own one another
the bides currently used by tecktokids and kikoos are third generation
but their ownage is drived from that of the noelistes generation
noelistes generations?
an ownage colonie which part was the fake
nine years ago at JVC i injeted it into your topic, CHUCK
hapistes goal is to own control of the forum
to do that they need to fake the bide ownage and find out how the noelistes own one another
the bides currently used by tecktokids and kikoos are third generation
but their ownage is drived from that of the noelistes generation
noelistes generations?
an ownage colonie which part was the fake
nine years ago at JVC i injeted it into your topic, CHUCK

26/05/09 à 19:36:51
moi pas comprendre
26/05/09 à 01:08:42
Désolé de te le dire comme ça mais le mélange français-anglais fait très laid

Sinon sweet
25/05/09 à 21:21:46
25/05/09 à 21:10:58
C'est quoi le rapport entre le titre et les chapitres
Jayjay aux chapitres
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