Metal Chuck Noel: Guns of the Petrobides
Par : raiden_returns
Genre : Fantastique
Status : C'est compliqué
Note :
Chapitre 1
Publié le 14/09/08 à 06:33:16 par raiden_returns
In a non too distant future
warfare is the basic of the global forum
and the ownage have created a new kind of noelistes
where every bide and every fake of every kikoo can be controled
except for one....
warfare is the basic of the global forum
and the ownage have created a new kind of noelistes
where every bide and every fake of every kikoo can be controled
except for one....

25/05/09 à 20:37:51
14/10/08 à 20:58:27
GG mec
14/09/08 à 09:38:10
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