Par : Hart_MGO
Genre : No-Fake
Status : C'est compliqué
Note :
Chapitre 1
Publié le 18/12/09 à 21:19:44 par Hart_MGO
I can't think that we could h ave some good people in the world, because everybody is a world's destroyer.
I can't think how humans can think they are inteligent, just because hey know why they do horrible thing.
I can't explain why we are so happy to be a human, because we are just the cancer of the Hearth. We are destroying our planet, and we don't care about it. Why are we so stupid, for suicide ourself without doing nothing?
Can you explain me that?
I can't think that we could h ave some good people in the world, because everybody is a world's destroyer.
I can't think how humans can think they are inteligent, just because hey know why they do horrible thing.
I can't explain why we are so happy to be a human, because we are just the cancer of the Hearth. We are destroying our planet, and we don't care about it. Why are we so stupid, for suicide ourself without doing nothing?
Can you explain me that?
20/12/09 à 10:15:14
19/12/09 à 16:11:29
Ce texte a été écrit en cours de maths, donc désolé pour les fautes.
Anti-NWO, je ne suis pas d'accord sur ta réaction.
19/12/09 à 13:45:03
il ne fait aucun doute que l'auteur compte se suicider d'ici peu de temps
19/12/09 à 11:54:38
We are living.
Can't your feel our heart's beating ?
19/12/09 à 01:37:45
Bon, j'ai redemarré à CAN'T, c'est court
il manque des lettres ou il y en a trop..
il manque la fin ou c'est pour un autre chapitre?
19/12/09 à 01:34:19
19/12/09 à 01:33:33
Je me suis arreté au "I"
18/12/09 à 23:20:16
18/12/09 à 23:19:34
18/12/09 à 23:19:29
J'veux pas être méchant mais le style est pas très bon, et de plus, comme presque personne comprend l'anglais ici, tu va pas avoir beaucoup de fanss
Ah et j'oubliais, bien d'être emo?
18/12/09 à 21:56:57
You have right. Humanity is the worst thing that Earth can have.
But nobody will stop it, so it's useless to speak about it.
World comes at his end, and thanks to who? To humans of course...
For save this planet (not our planet), just one solution : destroy men, delete them, make their horrible reign over.
Just wait and see the end, maybe we will can see, in some years, or our sons, only time will say it...
18/12/09 à 21:53:25
go ctrl C + ctrl V sur reverso.fr et tu a la traduction.
18/12/09 à 21:46:59
J'ai compris vite fait. ^^
Pas mal. ^^
18/12/09 à 21:45:20
Traducteur dans l'assemblée ?
18/12/09 à 21:25:11
Pas mal, mais ca ne va pas marcher, les francais ne parle anglais. (Chaud les naabs;)
18/12/09 à 21:21:58
En fait si
Pas mal
Mais le cancer de la terre, c'est pas tiré de quelque part du site?
Ah et 'of the Hearth'? Earth
18/12/09 à 21:20:49
I don't understand your poesie
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